Three Steps to Become Operational

File Correctly
Register for your DOT number & operating authority. Ensure you have the right permits in place.

Get DOT Compliant
Run FMCSA required background checks and establish your go-forward compliance programs.

Pass Your Safety Audit
Work with the DOT auditor that is assigned to your business within 3-6 months of your initial filing.
Registrations & Permits
Ensure Your Company Is Setup Correctly
The registrations FMCSA requires is dependent upon the types of vehicles your company has on the road and the states you're driving through. Without filing correctly, companies can be exposed to hefty fines and penalties from the FMCSA. Getting this right is a key part of running a successful and compliant business.​ Start here to ensure you're setup with:
DOT Number Filing
Operating Authority (MC Number) Filing
Unified Carrier Registration (UCR)
Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) Filing

DOT Compliance
Enrolling in the correct DOT Compliance programs is essential for the safety of your company, drivers, and other motorists on the road. Following proper regulations set up by the Department of Transportation (DOT) helps to ensure that vehicles are properly maintained and operated safely. Start here to learn which programs your company must consider

Fill Out This Form to to Begin Your Application
Use this platform to process your FMCSA required filings (including US DOT Number, if you haven't already), and enroll in mandatory Compliance programs.